Honest Business Will Set you Free with Emily Wylde

Sometimes I get to dive into some really deep conversations on this podcast and today I'm chatting about about the personal growth and inner work essential for running a creative business with illustrator and designer Emily Wylde.

We talked about Emily's journey of starting her own business during the pandemic, the importance of having honest conversations with ourselves, and the impact of therapy and coaching on personal and business growth.

And we touched on the challenges of putting work online, dealing with red flag clients, and the significance of authenticity (beyond the buzzword!)

I really hope that you enjoy this more introspective chat and take on building brands today.

Episode highlights: 

05:58 Embracing Authenticity and Vulnerability in Brand Building 

09:27 Navigating Client Relationships and Building Resilience 

13:01 The Healing Journey of Embracing Your Inner Child

15:26 Authenticity in Business: Beyond the Buzzword

20:20 Finding Your Unique Path and Defining Success on Your Own Terms

33:40 The Impact of Comparison and Cultivating a Mindset of Experimentation 

Thanks to Marketing Magic for sponsoring this episode.

Don't forget to check out Emily online and follow her on Instagram!

If you'd like to have a chat come find me on Instagram. Can't wait to connect with you.

This episode was written and produced by me and edited by Lucy Lucraft.

Thanks to Marketing Magic for sponsoring this episode.

Please subscribe so you never miss an episode and do think about leaving me a 5* rating and review on Apple Podcasts as it really helps me reach more listeners.


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